- Description
- Models:
refrigerator door rubber Fagor, Edesa, Aspes, Brandt, De Dietrich. Recamio gasket for refrigerator refrigerator. A breakdown in the door rubber causes greater electrical consumption of the appliance, can cause dripping on the bottom and a plaque of ice to form on the bottom.
References: F39M045A4
Previous reference: F390005B9
1CD-340 | AFC185 | F-7017NFDD | LC-718 |
1CE-340 | AFC1852NF | FA3702 | LCB-1020FNF |
1CE-340V | AFC185NF | FA3722 | LCD-418A |
1CES-40 | AFC185PNF | FANTASY-85 | LCE-818 |
1CES-40NF | ART-1850M | FC-57NF | LCE-818NF |
1CG-340 | BASIC-F630 | FC-6018CE | LCED-918NF |
1CG-340NF | BFC1312NW | FC-6311NF | LCED-918NFN |
1CID-340NF | BFC1320OW | FC-6710NF | LCL-818 |
1CID-340V | BFC1324BW | FC-671NF | LCL-818NF |
1CM-34 | BFC2300NW | FC-679NF | LCL-818NFTD |
1CM-34NF | BFC2302NW | FC76ART | LCP-818 |
1CT-310 | C31716 | FC-771 | LCP-818NF |
1CT-320 | C32710 | FC-771NF | LCPS-818NF |
1CT-410NF | C32711 | FC-772NF | MCR1 818NF |
1CT-420NF | C32751 | FC-77NF | METAL-F33 |
1F-207 NFDR | C34710 | FCA-45 | MF-7NFD |
1F-7017NFDS | C34710X | FCE-1852 | NF1852 |
1FCA-45 | CA3262E | FCT185NF | NFBI185 |
1FFB-350NF | CA3263E | FCT-342 | NFDBI185 |
1FFB-35NF | CACH-850F | FCT682 | FLAT-F610S |
1MF-7NFD | CAT-85NF | FDM185B | PLAT-F632S |
2CD-340 | CCE-339NF | FFA-35 | PLAT-F633S |
2CE-340 | CE-340D | FFA-350 | PLATE-F63S |
2CE-340D | CEE-340 | FFA471 | POP-F53 |
2CE-340NF | CEN28700 | FFA4715 | POP-F63 |
2CE-340P | CEN28701 | FFA6715 | RALLY-185 |
2CE-340V | CEN28731 | FFA6725 | RC311 |
2F-1607 I | CES-40 | FFA6725R | RC322 |
2F-207 R | CF76 | FFJ4725 | ROMAN-F33 |
2F-4007F | CG-340 | FFJ477 | ROMAN-F337 |
2F-507G | CN3010 | FFJ4771 | ROMAN-F43 |
2F-7007 D | CT-1850NF | FFJ6725 | ROMAN-F53 |
2FC-47ED | CT-3410NF | FFJ6745 | ROMAN-F63 |
2FC-47EV | CT-341NF | FFK6728 | ROMAN-F631 |
2FC-47NF | CVA362 | FFK6745 | ROMAN-F68 |
2MF-7NFD | DANCE-F185 | FFK6775 | ROMAN-F73 |
3C-3400NFS | DKP1123W | FFK6785 | ROMAN-F84 |
3CD-340NF | DKP1124W | END-4825 | SGCN320E |
3CE-340 | DKP821W | FIM-4825US | SPORT-F53 |
3CE-340NF | DKP823W | END-6825 | SPORT-F63 |
3F-207R | DKP825W | FIM-6825C | SPRING-185 |
3FAC-495 | DKP827W | FJ-M01 | SUNNY-F1851 |
3FC-47LA | DRC1033I | FNMAA18B | SUNNY-F85 |
3FC-47PED | DREAMG-185 | FT36 | TF18 |
3FC-671NF | DREAMG-1851 | FT672 | TF180 |
3FC-67NF | DREAMG-F85 | FT674 | TF1825 |
3FC-67NFD | DRN1027I | FT-722NF | URBAN-F920 |
3FC-67PNF | DRN1027IS | FT760 | WF-135 |
4FAC-495 | DRN1357I | FT762 | ZEN-F337 |
4FAC-495NF | SCAL-F53 | FT762X | ZEN-F437 |
5FAC-495 | SCALE-F63 | HOLLY-F1851 | ZEN-F63 |
5FAC-495NF | F-207NFDR | HOLLY-F85 | ZEN-F630 |
6FAC-495 | F-217NFR | HOLLY-F852 | ZEN-F631 |
6FAC-495NF | F-4070NFDF | HOLLY-F95 | ZEN-F636 |
AC1852 | F517NFDG | HOLLY-F952 | ZEN-F637 |
AC1852NF | F-517NFP | HOME-F630 | ZEN-F920 |
AC185NF | F63W | KGT330NWI |
Frequent questions
The return of the value of the order is free and complete during the 14 days following the receipt of the order. Of course, remember that the return shipping costs are at your expense. You can consult the complete return policies here.
Depending on where you place your order from and the weight of the package, the shipping cost may vary. In any case, on the cart page you can calculate the shipping price before making your purchase.
When an article presents some damage caused in transport, you have 24 hours from the moment of receipt to notify us and be able to manage the incident.
- has the most common means of payment in each country: cards, gateways, transfer. You can verify your payment method before making your purchase.
Clear! In addition to home delivery, you can pick up the order at collection points, you just have to select it before payment and find the location that suits you best.
Write the model of your appliance in the search engine on our website to find your spare part and if you already know it, write the reference of the part you need.
La devolución tiene el mismo coste del porte abonado en su momento.