

Iron and ironing center Spare parts

549 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 549 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 549 products
Cartucho antical centro de planchado Rowenta, Tefal XD9060Rowenta ironing center anti-lime cartridge, Tefal XD9060
Tapón de seguridad Polti Vaporella Modelos Pro serie 500 M0006700Tapón de seguridad Polti Vaporella Modelos Pro serie 500 M0006700
Polti termostato centro plancha Vaporella M0003471
Deposito completo plancha Rowenta Perfect Steam CS-10000047Deposito completo plancha Rowenta Perfect Steam CS-10000047
Módulo electrónico centro de planchado Rowenta CS-00135799Módulo electrónico centro de planchado Rowenta CS-00135799
Kit de filtros centro planchado Rowenta Powersteam XD9070E0Rowenta Powersteam XD9070E0 ironing center filter kit
Gatillo pulsador centro planchado Bosch 10002024
Limpiador suela de plancha Rowenta - Pack 2 Unidades XD900100
Tapón vaporeta y centro de planchado Polti SL001672
Interruptor plancha Vaporella Polti SL001405Interruptor plancha Vaporella Polti SL001405
Filtro antical PerfectCare Pure Philips
Tapon de caldera Delonghi Pro1420  5512810411Tapon de caldera Delonghi Pro1420  5512810411
Depósito de agua plancha Taurus PTCP2200 088658000
Interruptor Centro Planchado Vapor Polti Forever M0004629Interruptor Centro Planchado Vapor Polti Forever M0004629
Resistencia Centro planchado Rowenta Tefal CS-00098531
Rowenta Iron Solenoid Valve, Tefal CS-00129465
Bomba centro de planchado Rowenta CS-00137184
Válvula de Solenoide Plancha Rowenta - CS-00097843
Depósito de agua plancha Taurus Sensity Non Stop 088024000Depósito de agua plancha Taurus Sensity Non Stop 088024000

Find now in electrotodo.ces the spare parts and accessories suitable for your iron and ironing center. At we have, as an official technical service, the main brands in the spare parts market for your iron and ironing center. Buy the accessories you need at electrical repair parts, mechanical repair parts, resistors, tubes, solenoid valves, pumps, boilers, filters, decalcification, tanks, ironing accessories, electronic modules, thermostats, pressure switches, anti-shine soles , plugs. Find in our extensive catalog the part you are looking for to replace damaged or defective ones. Buy in our online store the spare parts of the brand you need: Rowenta, Polti ironing center, spare parts for Bosch irons, Ufesa, spare parts for Taurus, Tefal, Braun, Ariete, Delonghi, Solac, Philips, Electrolux irons. At we offer original spare parts and accessories for irons.